Sunday, November 2, 2008

halloween a time for free candy and dress up arent i cute im a greek dude and i filled up the basket and a time to watch goosebumps it is my third favorite holiday

Sunday, October 5, 2008


i love my ps3

my ps3 has awesome grapics, games, controls, features, and color. but best of all it has blu-ray disc player. we bought iron man and watched much much more. when i play it it overwhelms me the only thing that gets past my trance of fun is my moms stare that could kill a yack from aways away.

Friday, July 11, 2008

my first cruise

my first cruise started at Los Angelas and stopped at San Diego, Catalina island, Ensenada Mexico. Getting there was my first flight ever but it was only about an hour and fourty five minutes. When we got to California we rented a silver Pontiac. we got lost (ofcourse I fell asleep.)
We got to our relatives house and I practically sleepwalked to the room we stayed in. In the morning we walked across a field.

Then we went to six flags. Nothing was the same as I remembered at all!
We rode the Tatsu... yeah!!! it was awesome.
we got on the ship the next day and the first day was a day at SEA! it was kinda COLD.
once we got to San Diego we took this awesome petty cab (bicycle carraige bikeride) and went shopping got back on the boat. in the morning we got off at the Catalina played at the beach, bought icecream and got back to the boat. last stop ensenada. we passed a ton of flea markets and ended up at an awesome blow hole passed the flea markets again and bought
huge pop bottles. we got back to the boat and headed home.